RS Bharathi has said that Edappadi Palanisamy was highlighting his father -in -law's house when the Gaza Storm hit the Delta districts. Palanisamy, who highlighted the specialty of the father -in -law when the Gaja Storm hit Delta, criticizes our youth secretary standing with the people during the flood? DMK Organization Secretary RS Bharathi has questioned.

Edappadi Palanisamy, the leader of the opposition, is the one who usually keeps his face out of his home in salem - and is the custom of lurking in the house again.

I am also a blossoming interviews to show that I am. Palanisamy, who has been rejected and excluded by the house of Commons behind the defeat of the assembly elections, has only given his party to his party. Palanisamy has completed the entertainment concert in the name of the General Committee, unwilling to work with the people who have been affected by the people who have been affected by the victims of chennai and around the paddy. In it, he came to his mouth about the state.

"If I unleashed a few things, I would go to Edappadi Palanisamy Tikar. Some things have left silent because it is a government secret. What a tealing happened? Edappadi Palanisamy has spoken to the General assembly, "We have made it clear that there is no alliance with the BJP." If there is no coalition, it is necessary to criticize the BJP! Who has hugged the AIADMK. Why did not even pass a resolution by denouncing the union government or condemning the bjp in the resolutions passed in the General Assembly? 'Condemned' in resolutions on the tamil Nadu government; 'Emphasis' in the resolutions of the Union government is a double mask!

People are not ready to believe the Palanisamy's green lie that there is no alliance with the BJP. Palanisamy has mocked the postponement of the youth conference due to the floods in chennai and the southern districts.

Palanisamy should praise our DMK leadership not to hold the conference when the 8 districts of tamil Nadu are affected by the storm - rain - floods. Palanisamy has left Chaudal as if something was curse.

Palanisamy was the one who watched the tv TV. So he would have known if he had seen TV. The youth team conference was postponed only twice. That too for the people! When the chennai floods occurred, the DMK, which is in power, will serve the people first. The party conference is only second. Forgotten everything was wasted on the ground by the madurai AIADMK conference? Edappadi is the first to go to the politics. Palanisamy, who participated in the ceremony at Semoor Ammapalayam when the Gaza Storm hit the Delta, was not talking about the minister Udayanidhi, who was standing with the people in the floodwaters.

“The centenary of MGR's wife and former chief minister Janaki Ammal has passed the AIADMK General assembly that the AIADMK will be celebrated on behalf of the AIADMK. This is not in the resolution book they had prepared in advance. Since Janaki had forgotten the centenary of Amma, it did not include it in the resolution book. The last time someone has no choice but to bring it alone in the name of a special resolution and deceive the volunteers. They were fighting. When the internal confusion in the AIADMK, Janaki forgets her mother and suddenly think of the centenary of Janaki Amma during the election.

Hon'ble chief minister M Kastalin attended the 100th birthday of Janaki Ammal last year. chief minister MK stalin participated in the inauguration of the centenary of Janaki mgr at Dr. mgr Janaki college and opened the Thiruvalluvar statue at the mgr Janaki college campus. Janaki Ammal also released the centenary special flower. Janaki congratulated her mother. After the centenary of Janaki Amma, we will suddenly get enlightenment in any bodhi tree and celebrate his centenary.

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