Accordingly assembly session in bihar will start from 12th February. This decision was taken on monday after the nda government came to power on Sunday. nda meeting was held on Monday. In this meeting, the ministers authorized cm nitish kumar to announce the date of the new session of the Assembly. Before this, in the Grand Alliance government, it was decided on january 18 that the budget session in the state would start on february 5. However, the date has changed after the change of government. On the other hand, the session is expected to be turbulent. Even though nitish kumar has formed the government with nda, the opposition is also in a very strong position. The number of opposition MLAs in bihar assembly is 114.

Meanwhile cm nitish kumar had decided to separate from the Grand Alliance on sunday itself. After this, by evening the ministers of the new government including nitish kumar took oath. So far eight ministers have taken oath and soon the cabinet will be expanded in which some surprising names may be announced. On the other hand, there is a possibility of uproar in the session which is going to start on New Year because the cabinet colleagues with whom the budget session was announced last week will now be in the opposition.

On the other hand, before the beginning of the session, a no-confidence motion has been brought against the current assembly Speaker Avadh Bihari Chaudhary. bjp has given this no-confidence motion to the assembly Secretary and JDU has also agreed to it. In such a situation, the assembly Speaker will also be elected in the new session. Two names are being discussed vigorously by bjp for the post of Speaker.

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