As per report sharad pawar said that we cannot ignore former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru. His statement came on PM narendra Modi's speech. He said that among the great leaders during the independence of the country, along with mahatma gandhi, was Jawaharlal Nehru. Pawar was talking to the youth present in the program organized by the Nationalist congress Student Cell.

Meanwhile the former Union minister said that we were late in coming here because the parliament session is on. Today was the Prime Minister's speech. When the prime minister stands up to speak, all of us in the General assembly leave our seats and go out. But after listening to the Prime Minister's speech, we felt very sad. The prime minister of the country is the prime minister of the entire country. No party has a Prime Minister. The responsibility of the country rests on his shoulders. But the beginning he started today, the country's first prime minister jawaharlal nehru spoke ill of him.

Perhaps sharad pawar said, "Among the great leaders who sacrificed their lives for the country's independence, jawaharlal nehru was included along with mahatma Gandhi. After getting independence, to change the face of this country, to change the name of the country in the world. For this, we cannot ignore jawaharlal nehru ji among those who worked. As the prime minister, he took the responsibility on his shoulders. The biggest work he did was, after getting independence, he made this country Took him to a position of advancement."

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