Next one week. tamil Nadu weatherman said good news to the people of Chennai.

Tamil Nadu Weatherman has said that the temperature will be below normal to below normal in chennai for the next week.

Tamil Nadu has been affected by the heat since the summer season started. Especially since the last few days it has been too hot to go out. As a result, people are struggling to cope with the effects of the heat.

People are lamenting that if the sun burns like this in april itself, what will the sun be like when the Agni Nakshatra starts in May? Accordingly, the india Meteorological Department has warned that heat waves may hit many states of the country from april to June.

In this way, yesterday in tamil Nadu, the heat exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit at 9 places. Tirupattur-107, Erode-104, Salem-102, Karur Paramathi-102, Namakallil-101, madurai Airport, Vellore, Dharmapuri 101, Palayangottai-100 degrees Fahrenheit.

In this situation, dry weather is likely to prevail in tamil Nadu, Puduwai, and Karaikal regions, according to the Meteorological Department. But moderate rain will occur in a few places in southern districts, delta districts, and western Ghats districts, according to the Meteorological Department. Light rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a couple of places in tamil Nadu and Puduwai Karaikal on the 12th and 13th, the Meteorological Department said. On the 14th and 15th, it is predicted to rain at a couple of places in South tamil Nadu.

Temperatures will drop in the Kongu regions and inner tamilnadu regions. Temperatures of 40-41 degrees Celsius will be recorded at 37-39 degrees Celsius. So there is very little chance of a heat wave until the elections are held in tamil Nadu."

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