BJP MP's daughter-in-law will contest the elections...

BJP mp from wardha Ramdas Tadas had to face embarrassment when his daughter-in-law on thursday accused his family of harassment, assault, and torture. She is challenging him in the lok sabha elections as an independent. pooja Tadas along with her 17-month-old son along Shiv Sena-UBT deputy leader Sushma Andhare spoke to the media on Thursday. Made serious allegations against the family. pooja argued that she was allegedly forced to marry her husband Pankaj R. Tadas about three years ago to save him from rape charges. After that, he was tortured and beaten with iron rods. She was thrown out of the flat where she lived and was even denied food on several occasions.

Will meet PM Modi and seek justice

pooja Tadas said, "PM narendra modi is coming to wardha for election campaign on april 20. I plan to meet him and appeal for justice as the daughter of the country." On the alleged harassment by the Tadas family, she said she was confined to the flat and physically used as an object but was rejected by her husband after the birth of their son. The husband and his father-in-law Ramdas Tadas also asked for a dna test of the child.

Demanding for dna test of son - Pooja

"I am going through such abuse, insults, and other forms of harassment in the name of a dna test of my child," pooja demanded. If Ramdas Tadas, as an mp, cannot give justice to his daughter-in-law, then the society What will he do for the people of India? I want the Prime Minister's intervention to help me. pooja Tadas claimed that when she once visited Ramdas Tadas's house, she was abused and attacked with an iron rod. The flat in which she was living was sold by the Tadas family. After that, he was thrown out of the flat. He had no place to live.

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