There is no real case... what will be done with the investigation?

Kavitha spoke to the media while entering and leaving the court hall. CBI's arrest is illegal. What cbi is doing is wrong. There is no real case. What will be investigated?'' he said. Even inside the court, kavitha presented her argument in front of the judge. kavitha objected when the cbi lawyer told the court that kavitha had been arrested following the rules. He said that he was not given prior information about his arrest as per the CBI. It is said that at 10.30 pm on Wednesday, he was informed by the jail staff that the cbi was likely to arrest him. He said that he was arrested by the cbi on thursday morning and that he would seek legal advice and requested the jail authorities to allow him to speak to his lawyers. She revealed that the court allowed her to talk to her husband for 5 minutes every day, so she informed her husband about this on Thursday.

Permission to Anil and KTR

Kavitha was taken directly to the cbi office in the evening from Delhi's Rouse Avenue court. The court allowed the four to meet kavitha who will be in cbi custody for three days between 6 to 7 pm every day. In the order, the judge said that Kavita could meet with lawyer Mohit Rao for 30 minutes every day. The order stated that Kavita's husband Anil, brother KTR, and personal assistant Sarath could talk to Kavita for 15 minutes daily.

The court permitted to have home meals daily. As per Kavita's wish, cbi allowed her to keep rosary, clothes, bedding, blankets, pillows, and towels for the three days she was in custody. She said that medical tests should be conducted once every 48 hours. According to supreme court guidelines, the court directed the cbi to interrogate kavitha under the supervision of CCTV cameras.

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