BRS: kcr completely lost his power..!?

First, BRS formed the government in 2014 came to power with a majority, and did many development works. During this time, kcr, who became the Chief Minister, provided all-round governance. politics ran like what he said was the Veda and what he did was the law. Not a single word came out of any leader's mouth that was not KCR's words. After that, kcr who came to power once again in the 2019 elections can be said to have acted like a king and a minister. All the leaders under him were deprived of the freedom to make any decision on their own. In the 2023 elections, the BRS party completely lost power and the congress came to power. kcr, who once did not even have an opposition, is currently in the opposition. At the same time, the parliamentary elections are going on. However, the BRS party cannot find at least leaders to compete across the state. It has become very interesting that kcr, who once had no opposition, could not find leaders in this way.
It seems that even if some leaders are sought here and there, at least for campaigning, no single leader except ktr and harish rao is coming forward. At least there are no records of MLAs who have lost in their respective constituencies supporting those who are mp candidates. But if we look at this situation, it can be understood that kcr did not treat all those leaders with love, but hit on their minuses and included them in their party. At least not a single leader is supporting kcr after his defeat, so it is understandable how he tortured him.
   If kcr had left those leaders free, they would have been with him now in defeat and victory. But kcr made them afraid and kept them in the party by threatening that if they went out, he would risk their lives. They followed this strategy as long as kcr was in power. When he lost power, his daughter was arrested and all the leaders disappeared. At least some senior political analysts feel that they are not participating in campaign activities and are making exercises so that if congress opens its gates, everyone will join it.

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