This is the biggest mistake made by Jagan..!?

-AP's ruling party ycp has also made many mistakes. .

-Mistake made in the chirala constituency.
-First major mistake made by YCP.

Mistakes happen in politics. politics does not happen as planned every time. Leaders think something and do something. However, if doing this does some good every time. Most of the time these experiments fail. Now AP's ruling party ycp has also made many mistakes. I don't know if you believe the surveys or if you think the truth of what the field residents said, but the decisions taken by the party leadership are not only a problem, they are also becoming a big minus. Even though there are many big mistakes made by ycp, above all, the mistake made in the chirala constituency, there is a talk that it lost a seat to that party before the elections. Observers say that if it is a mistake to distance the former mla Amanchi Krishnamohan, who is in charge here, by not giving him a ticket, it is another big mistake not to care about him at least. This has put the ycp in trouble not only in this constituency but also in the entire state.
Before the 2019 elections, Amanchi Krishnamohan contested from here in the last election. But he lost. Still, they are sticking to the party. But when it came to the current elections, instead of giving him a ticket, they gave a chance to Venkatesh, son of Karanam Balaram, who joined ycp from TDP. Not many people are happy about this. The wind is blowing against the ycp within its own party. Now, even though the people have lost their nerve, even after losing the last election, there is positive talk about Amanchi who has not lost his grip on the people. people here are saying that if he had been given a ticket, he would have won under any circumstances. For the last two years, ycp sent him to Paruchur without giving him a ticket. Soon he will contest from Congress. But, if the same trust is in YCP...the party leaders are also discussing that this is the seat to be won. It is said that this is the first major mistake made by YCP. Let's see what happens.

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