Re-polling in tamil Nadu - bjp insistence!

The bjp has insisted on re-polling in tamil Nadu to ensure everyone's right to vote. Alleging that the DMK has removed bjp supporters from the voter list, the tamil Nadu bjp has insisted on re-polling to ensure the right of everyone to vote.

Tamil Nadu bjp State Spokesperson ANS prasad said in a statement: "The first phase of the indian election festival has been completed on april 19 in all 39 lok sabha constituencies of tamil Nadu. Although the election commission of india conducts the lok sabha elections, it is the state government officials who conduct the elections. Because the election commission does not have that separate structure. No. It was only a small group of high officials.

As far as tamil Nadu is concerned, it is the tamil Nadu government officials and district Collectors who conduct the election such as preparation of the voter list, verification, publication of the final list, filing of nominations, preparations for the election, and polling. district Collectors served as election Officers. Everyone knows who is in control of the tamil Nadu government officials, especially the district Collectors. The government officials including the district collector and the police are completely under the control of the DMK. The DMK has also kindly threatened that they will take care of the officers who behave fairly after the elections.

In constituencies including coimbatore, the DMK has planned before the elections and appointed the officials they want as district Collectors. As a result, fair and transparent elections were not held in tamil Nadu. This can be seen from the blunder in declaring the polling percentage. The DMK has used its power to remove the votes of North indians and certain communities from the voter list in all 39 constituencies of tamil Nadu through their favorable officials. Especially in coimbatore where tamil Nadu bjp leader annamalai is contesting, Nilgiris where Union minister of State L. Murugan is contesting, South chennai where former governor Tamilisai is contesting, bjp State General Secretary A.P. In various constituencies including Tirupur where Muruganandam is contesting, North chennai where bjp state vice president Pal kanagaraj is contesting and Madhya chennai where bjp state secretary Vinoj Selvam is contesting, it seems obvious that the rate of one lakh votes per constituency has been eliminated. tamil Nadu bjp President annamalai has exposed this anti-democratic theft and dishonesty of the DMK on the polling day itself. annamalai has appealed to the election commission of india to re-poll the voters wherever they were removed in large numbers at the last moment. Those who believe in democracy and people will face the election honestly. But only those who have no faith in the people will think of winning at the crossroads. That is what DMK has done. That's why they are stealing voters in droves at the last moment in constituencies where the bjp has a chance to win. This is highly condemnable. The election commission should take strict action against the officials responsible for this. This must be the last time such anarchy happens. The election commission should take action to that extent. According to the request of tamil Nadu bjp President annamalai, re-polling should be conducted in all constituencies where voters were removed en masse. The election commission should ensure that everyone has the right to vote.” It says so.

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