In the midst of the continuing discussion about wealth redistribution, sam Pitroda of the congress party seemed to support an inheritance tax akin to the US, prompting prime minister Narendra Modi to unleash a scathing assault on the party on Wednesday. The remarks have heightened the already intense debate around rahul Gandhi's vow to carry out a wealth census in the event that the congress wins the lok sabha election.
Speaking at a public gathering in Surguja, Chhattisgarh, prime minister Modi said that the congress seeks to enrich itself by enforcing ever-higher taxes and preventing individuals from transferring their hard-earned riches to their offspring.

"The advisor [Sam Pitroda] of the 'prince' and the 'royal family' had said some time ago that more taxes should be imposed on the middle class," said PM Modi. "Congress says that it will impose an inheritance tax, and it will also impose tax on the inheritance received from parents. Your children will not get the wealth that you accumulate through your hard work, rather the claws of the congress will snatch it away from you."

Pitroda's comments, according to the prime minister, revealed the Congress's harmful intentions. He said, "Congress has one mantra -- to loot people zindagi ke sath bhi, zindagi ke baad bhi (in life and even after death)." This was a play on LIC's previous tagline.
PM Modi attacked the gandhi family, using no names, saying, "Those people who considered the entire congress party as their ancestral property and handed it over to their children, now do not want indians to pass on their property to their children."

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