India-Pakistan Relations: Shahbaz Sharif, cooperate with India...

Given the catastrophic economic crisis pakistan is currently experiencing, the nation's leading business community has encouraged prime minister Shahbaz Sharif to strengthen ties with India. Arif Habib, a business leader, advised the prime minister that in order to boost the economy of pakistan, better ties with its neighbors—particularly India—should be considered.

The business magnate from pakistan made this recommendation on wednesday at an event in Karachi, according to Pakistani news outlet Geo News. During this program, prime minister Shahbaz Sharif was in attendance. pakistan severed diplomatic ties and ceased commerce with india in 2019 following the revocation of article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. Imran Khan, the prime minister at the time, had leveled numerous accusations against india during this time. He claimed that india had damaged the atmosphere for communication between the two close neighbors by eliminating this article.

Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves' state

However, after severing ties with india, the situation in pakistan got worse. Inflation hit a record high, posing a historic economic disaster for the nation. Due to a financial crisis, the nation's foreign exchange reserves are almost depleted. pakistan was forced to obtain a loan from the international Monetary Fund (IMF) under such a circumstance. Following the terrorist assault in Pulwama, india revoked Pakistan's Most Favored Nation (MFN) status in 2019. The economy of pakistan has also been greatly impacted by this choice.

Shahbaz disregarded the business executive's suggestion.

Habib complimented Shahbaz for his work in obtaining the IMF rescue package under the previous administration during the Q&A period. claimed that the prime minister of pakistan ought to "shake two more hands," one with india and the other with the Tehreek-e-Insaf of Pakistan. The former Pakistani prime minister is presently serving his term in Adiala Jail for a variety of corruption-related offenses. Shahbaz Sharif disregarded Habib's recommendations throughout this period. According to Shahbaz, he doesn't want to be recognized for "positive things." I think it is important for us to seize the chances that present themselves. Development and exports ought to be the nation's top priorities.

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