Supriya Sule attacked deputy cm Devendra Fadnavis...

After the pune porsche accident case in maharashtra, politics has heated up regarding the bail given to the minor accused after some time. After the pune accident, ncp (SP) leader supriya Sule has raised questions on the state government and demanded a fair investigation. He has asked maharashtra deputy cm devendra fadnavis to answer in this matter. ncp (SP) leader supriya Sule said while talking to the media, "The manner in which this brutal murder took place in pune should be investigated." deputy cm devendra fadnavis has told the policemen that the police should neither be afraid of any government leader nor be afraid of pressure. So whose pressure is this? It cannot be from the opposing party. He can only be from the ruling party?

Fadnavis should answer- supriya Sule

Supriya Sule asked the question, "Who can put political pressure in the pune road accident case, only the ruling party can do it." So which leader of the ruling party called? Because of which leader did he get bail? devendra fadnavis should answer this. In my opinion, this country is run by the Constitution and rules. The rule says that you should not drive or drink alcohol at this age. Whatever are the rules and regulations of this country, everyone should follow them accordingly.

There should be a fair investigation into everything – supriya Sule

He further said, “There should be a fair investigation into everything.” The leaders of this country who are in power will have to answer as to how he got the bail. Because of which leader did he get pizza, fed him biryani and also got a bail? Because devendra fadnavis himself has accepted it and has told the police not to come under government pressure. So whose pressure was there, they should answer. If you start giving alcohol to children, then what is the government doing? Making allegations, he also said that the maharashtra government is only working to break dynasties, parties and families through Income Tax, ED and CBI. There is a case of drunk and drive in Pune. What is happening in Pune. Whatever is happening is wrong. Let us tell you that in pune, a speeding luxury porsche car had hit a bike, in which two people lost their lives. It is alleged that this car was being driven by a drunk 17-year-old minor, who was released by the court after punishing him for writing an essay. Later, when the matter heated up, his bail was cancelled.

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