The lure of big money abroad proved too much, 360 indians stranded in cambodia were rescued

360 indians who came to cambodia from india due to the lure of huge salaries, have been rescued. The fraud agency had sent him to cambodia with the lure of a job. india has rescued 360 indians from Cambodia. The fraud agency had sent him to cambodia with the lure of a job. After going there, they were made to do things like cyber fraud. The indian Embassy said on thursday that all these people were safely rescued from a place called Jinbei-4 on May 20.

60 people returned to India

According to the information received, the first batch of 60 citizens trapped in the clutches of fraudulent employers has been brought back home. Travel documents and other things of the remaining people are being checked and they will also be brought to india soon.

what is the whole matter

In fact, many indians had gone to cambodia due to the lure of huge salaries. A person who returned from cambodia told that an agent in Mangaluru had offered him a data entry job in Cambodia. After that two more people were taken to Cambodia. He told that he was taken on tourist visa. After going there, his typing speed was tested and an interview was conducted.

After joining the office, he came to know that his job was to find out about those people on facebook who could be easily cheated. To trap people, they were made to create facebook IDs in the name of women and all this work was done by a Chinese team. Now in this case, 360 indians have been rescued from cambodia so far. According to the information, this operation was carried out with the help of Sihanoukville administration. For this, he thanked the Cambodian administration, and the indian Embassy has also issued a continuous advisory for job seekers in cambodia, advising them to search for jobs only with the help of agents approved by the Ministry of External Affairs.

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