A family in Tamil Nadu actually sent Prime minister modi an invitation to their daughter’s wedding. Of course they did not really expect the PM to visit, but they got the greatest surprise when modi sent them a letter congratulating them and thanking them for the invitation. TS Rajasekaran is a former regional medical researcher and supervisor from Vellore. His daughter Rajshri’s wedding took place on September 11 and he invited the prime minister to her wedding.

This shows the prime ministers astuteness and also his magnanimity where any other prime minister would have simply ignored the invitation, he actually took the time to send the letter to the familu. In fact the Rajasekaran family was also surprised to receive the letter from the prime minister. This may be considered a move on part of the prime minister to garner good will of the people.

This is because everyone who hears this story will give kudos to the prime minister. modi showed this move by actually being a good politician. It also shows the popularity of the

Prime Minister for a family to actually invite him to a wedding.

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