Hinduism is a religion in which idol worshiping hold the highest regards; it symbolizes a sense of devotion for the Hindu deity. It is the only religion that endorses ‘murti’ puja or idol veneration. A ‘murti’ in Hinduism is believed to be a face of divine energy to which Hindus offer their reverence.

Meanwhile as per sacred Hindu scriptures, it is forbidden to keep in the home, certain ‘murtis’ or statues of gods and goddesses, especially those carrying their weapons of destruction, in a war position or promoting violence in a religious way. Furthermore it is believed such idols eliminate the positive energy of the house and promotes negativity.

Image result for Never Keep God Hanuman statue opening his chest

Accordingly Lord Hanuman is a Hindu deity, who’s always been revered and regarded as the protector and the one who establishes the welfare of his devotees. Moreover it is a popular belief among his devotees that simply taking his holy name diminishes fear of any kind. Further several Hindus establish his idols and images, solo or along with Lord Ram and Sita, to bring their holy presence into their homes. But there are certain idols, figurines, and pictures of him, which, if kept in the home could ensue suffering in the house.

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