Worried Your Phone's Being Tapped? Here Are 7 Steps You Must Take To Reduce Risks

From regularly updating your phone to using a VPN, here are some essential steps you must consider to secure your phone against spyware.

Last week, apple shared an alert to iphone users across 92 countries, including India, about their devices running the risk of falling victim to spyware attacks, including the much-talked-about Pegasus, developed by Israeli firm NSO Group. In an age where wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital security is paramount, safeguarding your smartphone against unauthorized taps is crucial.

While it's challenging to ensure complete protection, certain proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk.

Here’s a practical guide on how to fortify your mobile device against unwanted surveillance, as per popular antivirus firm Norton.

How To Reduce Risks Of Having Your phone Tapped

Regularly Update Your Phone: Ensure your phone is equipped with the latest security by enabling automatic updates for both your operating system and applications. Regular updates mend security gaps that could be exploited by potential eavesdroppers. For iphone users, avoid jailbreaking your device as it necessitates physical access and could introduce new vulnerabilities.

Opt For Encrypted Communication Apps

To enhance the privacy of your conversations, switch to communication applications that offer end-to-end encryption. This technology ensures that only you and the recipient can read what's sent, thwarting any attempts to intercept your communications.

Turn Off Call Forwarding

 Deactivate any call forwarding settings to prevent your calls from being redirected without your consent. This can typically be adjusted in your phone's settings under "Call Forwarding" options, varying slightly between devices like iPhones, samsung, or google phones.

Use a VPN for Secure Browsing 

Employ a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when accessing the internet on your phone. A VPN encrypts your online activities, making it challenging for anyone to tap into your wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital communications. Products like Norton 360 for mobile offer robust VPN services with advanced encryption standards.

Eliminate Risky Apps

Inspect your phone for unused, outdated, or suspicious apps and delete them. Such apps may harbor security flaws that could be exploited to tap your phone. Prioritise apps obtained from reputable sources and regularly review app permissions.

Install Robust Security Software

 Incorporate comprehensive security software that defends against various wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital threats, including malware that could be used for tapping. Good security software can detect and eliminate malicious software from your device.

Consider a Factory Reset

If you suspect your phone has been compromised, performing a factory reset can remove any intrusive software. However, ensure you back up essential data before resetting to avoid losing your valuable information.

By integrating these steps into your wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital routine, you can enhance the security of your mobile phone and reduce the risk of it being tapped  Again, while no method offers foolproof protection, combining several security practices provides a strong defense against potential intrusions.

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