Shruti greeted 2022 with open arms. shruti haasan recently agreed to address some intriguing questions about the next year and the previous year. On her instagram account, she shared a hilarious Q&A session. "I have learned that people react in a specific manner because of their own inner tales, but that should never influence your story," the actor said when asked what the finest thing he has learned in 2021. You must understand why you are doing what you are doing and carry out your duties with kindness."

What is the first thing you've decided to do for the New Year, she was afterward asked? "I'm beginning out by recording down vocals for a song I'm happy about, and I'm also rehearsing for something I'm extremely excited about," she stated in response. "As well as returning to the set." In this fascinating session, shruti haasan answers some more queries.

Meanwhile, shruti haasan will act alongside prabhas in Prashanth Neel's forthcoming film Salaar. Vijay Kiragandur's Hombale Films is the production company behind the action thriller. In addition to shruti haasan and prabhas, the film will include Jagapathi Babu, Madhu Guruswamy, and Easwari Rao.

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