China's shuttle program has been rapidly expanding, with 2021 set to be one of Beijing's best productive seasons in the twenty-first century. The government has now constructed a simulated moon laboratory that will help researchers to test new technology and future operations by simulating lunar circumstances and the atmosphere. The project, which is situated in the northern city of Xuzhou in Jiangsu province, has been dubbed the "largest of its type in the globe" and will make gravity "vanish." 

The laboratory can simulate low gravity situations for as long as needed, reducing China's reliance on zero-gravity flights for astronaut training and conditions in which to test new space probes and innovations. The research is being led by Li Ruilin of the china Institute of Mining and Technologies, who informed the South china Daily News, "Low gravitation can be produced in an airliner or a dropping structure, but only for a short time. In the simulator, Li stated that the effect can "last as long as you want." 

The artificial crust of the mini-moon is composed of pebbles and sand that are as lightweight as those on the moon, and it is roughly two feet in diameter. It's worth noting that gravitation on the Luna isn't zero; magnetic field produced, it's one-sixth as strong as gravity on Earth. "Most investigations take only a few seconds, while others, such as creep assessment, can cause delay," Li explained.

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