He claimed that the BRS and the AAP's boycott of the President's speech was unquestionably "democratic and demonstrative." He said that their boycott was a show of support for the Center's "failures" rather than a protest against the President. He questioned whether it was permitted for the opposition parties to criticise the incumbent government.

"Like everyone else, we respect the President. He reiterated that the union government was abusing the Governors system and attempting to interfere in the affairs of States like Telangana, Delhi, tamil Nadu, and kerala among others. He added that his group was not against her and was only seeking to draw attention to the nda government's governance failures through democratic protest.

The leader of the Lok Sabha's floor, Nama Nageshwara Rao, claimed that despite the BRS particularly mentioning topics like the women's reservation bill and agricultural problems, the President's speech made no mention of these. He claimed that the Center had not brought up the Minimum Support Price for crops and had not even dropped the lawsuits that had been brought against farmers in response to their protests of the divisive farm policies. "Three or four times during the President's speech, Dr. BR Ambedkar's name was invoked. However, our request to honour him by naming the new parliament building has not been granted," he continued.

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