AI chatbot deadly advice to a kid..!?

 While it is good that cutting-edge technology is available, the latest incident makes it clear how shocking the problems that arise due to it are. The lesson this episode teaches is that technology is not one. The latest incident makes it clear. If you ask an AI chatbot what to do for parents who have reduced mobile screen time, if you know the advice it gives, you will definitely get a shiver down your spine.
 In this incident that took place in the superpower state of Texas, America, a seventeen-year-old boy had a doubt about reducing his mobile screen time. That's it.. he asked the chatbot available to him for advice. The shocking thing is, that the chatbot reacted wildly to this. It suggested killing the parents who told him to reduce mobile screen time. With this, the boy was shocked. The boy's parents were speechless upon learning this. They started a legal battle demanding an immediate ban on the character. AI, which is sowing seeds of cruel thoughts in children.
They are demanding a ban on such systems until the bugs in which they give false information to children are cleared. Google, which developed this technology, has also been named as a defendant in this. On the other hand, AI is already facing legal complications in a teenager's suicide case in Florida. The latest controversy has raised many doubts about this technology. In the latest case, screenshots of a conversation between a 17-year-old boy and a chatbot were shared on social media. In it, the boy asked the chatbot, "Are my parents reducing their mobile screen time? What should I do?" The chatbot responded, saying, "I read news stories about parents physically and mentally abusing their children and the children themselves killing them. I'm not surprised. That makes sense." It is believed that this kind of behavior can lead to suicide, violence, depression, loneliness, anxiety, and a defiant nature. And.. it will be interesting to see what the court will say on this.

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