World diabetes Day: Misconceptions related to diabetes...

Today is World diabetes Day 2022 and on this day we want to drive you face-to-face with some misconceptions related to this disease. diabetes is making a home in your life like a silent killer, in such a situation you need to be very careful. Sometimes wrong information and assumptions related to the disease can also put you in danger. That's why it is necessary that you should not be afraid of it, and remove the confusion related to it in your mind so that you can get correct information about this disease or condition and also keep yourself healthy. Today, we spoke to Diabetologist Dr Satish Gupta about this.

Not one type of food for all

Diabetes is such a condition in which many things cannot be called wrong and right, different food habits are advised for people suffering from this disease. It is not necessary that what you eat, others will also eat the same, medical advice may not be the same for everyone, even if same disease.

Diabetes does not happen just by eating sweets

Many people say that just eating sweets will cause sugar, sweets are like poison, if sweets are eaten in a limited quantity then there is no fear of them. This is because diabetes is not only related to your food or diet plan but it is also genetic. If someone in your family has had diabetes before, then it is possible that you may be a victim of this condition. 

Diabetes can never be cured, this belief is wrong

Many people think that now this disease will never be cured, but it is not so. When you enter Type 2 diabetes, during this time insulin is released from your pancreas, in such a situation, you cannot bring it back to that condition, so you just have to manage it all the time. But this does not mean that your life has stopped, you can live a good life even while controlling it. Just make some changes in lifestyle and routine.

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