If you keep water in a bottle of cold drink, then be careful, the body may suffer heavy damage. We indians are known for jugaad. Whether it is to remove the paste from the expiring toothpaste pouch or to put the pulse in the pen and put it in the pajama, we have a solution to every problem. On the basis of this jugaad, we also keep trying to save things from getting ruined.

water in cold drink bottles

As now the summer has come and the demand for cold water in the fridge has also started increasing. In such a situation, you will also see empty bottles of cold drinks filled with water along with fancy bottles of water in your fridge. If you think for once, then this will be considered as the right use of plastic bottles, but after knowing the truth behind it, perhaps you will refrain from doing such a jugaad.

This causes these damages

Keeping water in a bottle of cold drink or mineral water for several days can be harmful to your health. Actually, when these bottles are used by filling water for a long time, then elements like fluoride and arsenic start forming in them. These elements are very harmful for the body. Scientists have considered them as slow poison for the body.

Increases risk of cancer

According to many reports, water kept in a plastic bottle also has a bad effect on the human immune system. It is believed that the chemicals produced from it have a profound effect on the body. Not only this, but chemicals like phthalates present in plastic can cause the risk of liver cancer.

Keeping water in these plastic bottles for a long time produces BPA. BPA is a chemical that causes diseases like obesity, diabetes etc. in the body. It is called Biphenyl A. Apart from all this, when the water kept in the bottle gets heated due to exposure to sunlight or due to any other reason, then toxins start forming in it and these can also cause cancer.

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