World Hemophilia Day history and Theme...

Every year on april 17, people throughout the world observe World Hemophilia Day to increase awareness of hemophilia, a rare bleeding illness that causes blood to clot improperly. Changes in the genes that control our body's ability to halt bleeding are the cause of the condition, which is more common in men. The day is devoted to supporting the community of people worldwide who suffer from bleeding disorders and advocating for everyone who needs care to have access to it, regardless of their age, gender, or location. As of right now, there is no known cure for bleeding disorders, thus managing them is crucial.

The background to World Hemophilia Day 

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) created the groundwork for today's events in 1989. Every year on april 17, people mark World health Day in remembrance of Frank Schnabel, the organization's founder, who devoted his life to improving the lives of those with hemophilia and played a major role in promoting awareness of the illness and its treatment. Although there have been hemophilia cases discovered in ancient Egypt, the illness gained notoriety as a "royal disease" in the 19th century when queen Victoria of england developed hemophilia B, also known as factor IX deficiency, and passed the trait on to three of her nine children.

The term haemorrhaphilia, which was first used by university of Zurich professor Dr. Schonlein and his student Friedrich Hopff, is reduced to haemophilia. World Hemophilia Day's theme World Hemophilia Day has "Equitable access for all: recognizing all bleeding disorders" as its subject this year. It's imperative that people with hereditary bleeding disorders of any kind get the help, resources, and medical attention they require to lead happy, full lives free from the constraints placed on them by their illnesses.

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