According to sources from Chennai several coastal pockets of Chennai had witnessed water logging on Thursday after rains lashed the city for close to six hours following a low pressure over the Bay of Bengal near Sri Lanka. Power cuts were reported in many parts of the city. Meanwhile the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), last night, tweeted precautions and advisories for people during heavy rain. 

Meanwhile the commuters were stranded on the roads due to slow moving traffic on Thursday evening. In the IT Corridor in south Chennai, many auto rickshaws were seen broken down as the water level had risen well above their wheels. Moreover flight operations at the Chennai airport have not been affected, according to airport authorities. Buses in the city largely stayed off the roads.

Image result for Chennai received rain for six hours, led to water loggingImage result for Chennai received rain for six hours, led to water logging

Further Chief Minister E Palaniswami's government said it has kept 115 multi-purpose shelters ready in the coastal districts. Local ministers and three senior bureaucrats have been designated for each district to co-ordinate rescue and expedite relief. In Chennai, two ministers have been designated for each zone to expedite relief.

Image result for Chennai received rain for six hours, led to water loggingImage result for Chennai received rain for six hours, led to water logging

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