Accordingly as part of the last effort, allegedly ruling TRS had contemplated to initiate the second round of the transfer to farmers yesterday. Meanwhile a section of farmers in Khammam district said to have received phone calls and sought bank accounts to transfer money. Furthermore according to some farmers who shared the information on condition of anonymity, they have received phone calls early yesterday morning saying that they are calling from Agricultural Office.

Meanwhile they told that Rythu Bandhu 2nd round money was transferred to their accounts yesterday. However, what is raising suspicion is that the persons who called them have asked their 'alternative' bank account numbers to deposit their money. Reportedly Rythu Bandhu money would be transferred to the bank account that is linked to the pass book and hence while this is the case, the callers to the farmers have sought their alternative bank account details.

Image result for TRS, MIM, Congress & TDP keeping their fingers crossed

Moreover this is triggering the speculations. Further a day before election, these rumors are raising a lot of attention. One has to wait and see whether there is any truth in these or are these meager rumors circulating in social platforms.

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