Donald trump appears in court for the third day...

Day three of the trial is underway, and the New York prosecutors are now in charge of the hush-money case against the former US president, Donald Trump. In order to guarantee an unbiased jury for the trial of a former president—and a likely candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024—seven people have already been selected from a pool of prospective jurors. Their backgrounds have been examined. Notable professionals from a variety of fields have already been chosen for the jury, which already consists of two lawyers, an IT specialist, an english teacher, an oncology nurse, a salesperson, and a software engineer.

Processing takes place in downtown Manhattan as the spotlight of the world press turns to the unprecedented political scandal involving Trump. Arguably, he is the first former US president to be charged with a crime. He is presently on trial for the allegations, which stem from fabrications regarding payments made to hide damaging information during his 2016 campaign. Payments made to former porn star Stormy Daniels and former playboy model Karen McDougal, who both allege to have had affairs with trump, are at the center of the claims.

Trump is diving deeper into his legal problems.

The 45th US president, who entered a not guilty plea to 34 felony counts of manipulating business documents, fiercely refuted these accusations. According to his defense, the payments were a justifiable attempt to protect his reputation from baseless allegations made during his successful 2016 presidential campaign. In addition to the hush-money issue, trump is accused of other things. Precisely, these include of accusations from the capital riot case on january 6, 2020, attempts to rig the georgia 2020 election, and charges related to the separation of confidential materials at his florida club, Mar-a-Lago, from which he was a tenant.

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