Call it strange, but according to a research released on Wednesday, the most costly Internet domain name ever saw only 88,800 visitors per month while the third most expensive domain name saw no recorded monthly traffic. "A team of technologists, artists, and curators leveraging the transformative potential of NFTs to make wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital art collectible," is how the website characterises Voice. Despite investing $30 million, the company's purchase of the domain name from enterprise analytics and software provider MicroStrategy in june 2019 doesn't seem to have yielded any success thus far.

According to statistics from web hosting company Hostinger, presently receives about 88,800 visitors per month as reported by SimilarWeb. The cost of the seven names on the list totals more than $100 million, according to a Hostinger spokeswoman. "It's intriguing to see how much money has changed hands for individual domain names," the spokesperson added. The cost is manageable for multi-billion dollar businesses, especially if it ensures your online presence, builds your brand, and sends steady traffic to your website.

The spokesperson continued, "However, as our study demonstrates, investing millions of dollars on the domain name doesn't guarantee millions of website traffic." With 23.9 million monthly visitors,, which is owned by the Chinese internet security firm 360 Security technology Inc, is now ranked as the 154th most popular website in China. For $17 million, vodafone sold the domain name in february 2015., which is in third place, was one among the top 10 sales that happened most recently. It was bought for $15 million in august 2022.

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