Actress trisha krishnan has launched a lawsuit against lawmaker AV Raju for disparaging remarks he made about her. Raju was required to compensate the actress for the harm he had done to her reputation in the defamation notice. The actress has concealed the amount of compensation, though. Raju was also admonished to refrain from making such claims in the media going forward. 

He was requested to take down any sites from which his statements had been published in whatever format. In less than a day, Raju was also requested to provide an unqualified apology. Raju apologized to trisha in a video that he published at the same time, saying that his remarks were misunderstood.

To be more specific, in a statement released by AV Raju, a former ADMK politician, it was claimed that trisha had slept for Rs. 25 lakhs with a political leader. Social internet users shared his message widely. Raju received a lot of backlash from internet users for his remarks. "It's disgusting to repeatedly see low lives and despicable human beings who will stoop down to any level to gain attention," trisha krishnan tweeted in the meanwhile.

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