Only their families were there for the little ceremony that took place this morning in hyderabad at naga Chaitanya's home to announce their engagement. Though there have been rumors of the couple dating for a while, none of the performers has spoken out about their relationship until recently. naga chaitanya and his wife samantha parted ways in 2021, and the actor then began dating Sobhita Dhulipala. The first time naga chaitanya and Sobhita were seen together was in hyderabad in May 2022, when Sobhita was promoting her movie Major. According to reports, the actress, who was in the city for a film promotion, spent her birthday with a few pals and her purported lover. They began dating one other at that point since they bonded and their relationship became stronger.
In this case, a photo of Samantha's instagram stories was doing rounds on social media. When we did a Fact Check, we came to know, that samantha never posted any such Crying videos or photos. She kept a muted response and never even reacted to Chay's engagement.