Aghori sadhus are renowned for their unconventional tantric sadhana practice and defiance of social norms.
At the crematorium, meditation
The cremation grounds are where Aghori sadhus mostly perform their tantric sadhana. They view the cremation grounds as a hallowed space where one might encounter the realities of life and death. For them, applying the cremation sites' ashes on their bodies is a sign of spiritual strength and cleansing.
Use the human skull as a container for food.
The narmund, or human skull, is a food source for Aghoris. They think that to preserve the equilibrium between life and death, this is essential.
Consuming human meat
Aghori sadhus eat human flesh, particularly the bone marrow of deceased individuals. They contend that doing so purges a person's psyche of any animosity. They justify their action by arguing that it is essential to end prejudice, hatred, and terror in society.
Social disparities
Aghori sadhus embraces items that are typically seen with contempt or revulsion by society. While Aghoris view them as an essential part of their lives, people avoid places like crematoriums, dead bodies, and shrouds. This strategy is a component of their "Aghora" ideology.
Aghora's meaning
"A+Ghor" is what the term "Aghor" implies, meaning "without fear, without hatred, and without discrimination." This ideal is the foundation of an Aghori sadhu's existence. They contend that it is unjust to hate or discriminate against anybody because all people and things possess the same energy.
The ideology and tantric sadhana of Aghori sadhus are reflected in their way of living. The goal of their sadhana is self-realization and an appreciation of the depth of humanity, even when they defy societal norms and beliefs. Beyond fear and anger, their mystical universe compels us to consider what life's true purpose could be.
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