Liquor company manager robbed at gunpoint…?
In Madhya Pradesh's capital Bhopal, miscreants fled after robbing Rs 12 lakh at gunpoint. The miscreants committed the crime by entering the liquor businessman's office. The police have registered a case and started searching for the miscreants. CCTV camera footage is being scanned. The special thing is that the sensational robbery incident took place in Rachna Tower, a multi-story building of MPs and MLAs. According to Govindpura police, the liquor company's office is on the first floor of Rachna Tower.
Two people reached the office at 8.30 am on Wednesday. They knocked on the door. The miscreants called out to liquor company employee Virendra Gupta. Hearing the voice, manager shyam Sundar jaiswal opened the door. The miscreants inquired about employee Virendra Gupta. shyam Sundar made both of them sit inside. The miscreants asked for water after some time. Manager shyam Sundar jaiswal headed towards the kitchen to get water. As they moved forward, the miscreants put a gun on the manager's back and inquired about the cash in the office.
Liquor company manager robbed of Rs 12 lakh
The miscreants threatened to kill the manager if he did not tell them. Helplessly, the manager told the miscreants that the cash was kept on the first floor. The miscreants reached the first floor together. After picking up the bag full of cash, the miscreants pushed shyam Sundar jaiswal and ran away. During the incident, three employees were sleeping in the office. After the robbery, manager shyam Sundar jaiswal woke up the sleeping employees and informed them about the incident. The police was informed about the matter.
police engaged in investigating CCTV footage
The police reached the spot and investigated. CCTV footage installed nearby was also scanned. DCP Zone Shraddha Tiwari said that the robbery was carried out by taking hostages. In the initial investigation, it is being said that Rs 10-12 lakh was looted so far. The strings of the case are being connected to the robbery attempt on the 2nd. CCTV footage is being taken help of. Shraddha Tiwari said that commercial activity was being conducted in the residential area.