This risk is high for indians after severe COVID-19 infection..!?

Indians face a higher risk of lung damage after severe Covid exposure, a new study reveals. A recent study revealed that people who recovered from severe coronavirus infection faced impaired lung function. It was also revealed that half of the participants in the study suffered from shortness of breath. A study was conducted by Vellore Christian Medical college to investigate the impact of corona infection on lung function. 207 people participated in this study. The lung function and exercise capacity of people who recovered from Corona were studied. The study found that among indians recovering from severe COVID-19 for more than two months, respiratory symptoms were more common, with 49.3% having shortness of breath and 27.1% having cough.
TJ Christopher, professor of Pulmonary Medicine at CMC Vellore, said, "The study clearly shows that lung function is more affected in the indian population compared to data from other countries at every level of disease severity." He said it could be due to a person having more than one disease or co-morbidity at the same time. Published in the journal PLOS Global Public Health, researchers compared data from europe and China.For example, a study based in italy found that 43% had shortness of breath or shortness of breath and less than 20% had a cough. Corresponding figures in the Chinese study were lower than those observed in the indian study. However, the Vellore Medical college study did not cite any specific data from china or european countries other than Italy. Although the exact cause of the poor condition among indians is unknown, co-morbidities are said to be a factor. The researchers concluded that post-coronavirus lung damage has a significant impact on lung function, quality of life, and exercise tolerance.

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