Pamela Anderson: pamela Anderson's marriage lasted only for 12 days, got Rs 81 crore in her ex-husband's will

Pamela Anderson's ex-husband Jon Peters says that he has included Pamela's name in his will

John Peters, the ex-husband of hollywood star pamela anderson, has included her name in his will. Along with this, Peters has set aside one million dollars for Pamela. According to a report in Aceshowbiz, 74-year-old john Peters says that he is leaving money for pamela anderson, whether she needs it or not. Along with this, the producer said that he will always love Pamela.

Significantly, pamela anderson and john Peters married each other at the beginning of the year 2020. However, their marriage could last only for 12 days. Now about this, john Peters told Variety that he will always love pamela in his heart. The 74-year-old producer said, 'Actually I left him $10 million in my will. However, they do not know about this. Does anyone know about them? I am disclosing this for the first time. I probably shouldn't say this but this money is for them, whether they need it or not.

John Peters further said, 'This whole incident of marriage has scared me. The world knows that we did it and I think now we need to live in our way.

Significantly, pamela anderson and john Peters decided to get married after dating each other for a long time. However, only after 12 days both of them ended this relationship by taking a divorce. At the same time, earlier producer Jon Peters claimed that during their 12-day marriage, he paid off pamela Anderson's $200,000 debt. Peters said that pamela had married him for money. 

Jon Peters is known for producing 'Batman'. At the same time, pamela married Tommy Lee and Kid Rock before john Peters. After this, she married twice with Rick Salomon. pamela has appeared in season 4 of indian TV's most controversial show Bigg Boss. During that time she had stayed in Bibi house for 3 days and this she had also taken a heavy price

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