The set for koratala siva and NTR's upcoming film has finally been put up after numerous obstacles and delays. The movie's premiere date, set for april 5, 2024, has already been disclosed by the producers. NTR30 has some truly evil and monster characters who are not afraid of death or even god, according to koratala siva, who made this statement during the pooja ritual. He claimed that against a background of the sea and ships, the movie would depict NTR's heroic struggle against these enormous monsters.

According to Koratala's comments, it can be inferred that the movie will be produced on a grand scale and heavily rely on VFX, both of which will take a lot of time to produce a finished product. Only one year is given to koratala siva to complete filming and technological work on the project. One year might not be enough for a movie with such high expectations, according to the producers.

Koratala Siva has been given an extra burden by the producers as a result of the early release date announcement. After Acharya's fiasco, koratala siva is already under a tonne of strain to produce a hit movie, and this release date deadline will only increase that pressure. koratala and his team could have worked stress-free to deliver a sick project without worrying about a deadline if the decision on the release date had been made after a major portion of the movie's filming was finished.

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