Anant Ambani, the son of mukesh and Nita Ambani, is set to marry radhika Merchant in a lavish indian wedding. The pair is having pre-wedding celebrations in Jamnagar, Gujarat, before the big day, and their friends and family are invited. It is also said that several celebrities would go to Jamnagar for the festivities. Recently, as janhvi kapoor came in the city to take part in Anant and Radhika's pre-wedding celebrations, the paparazzi snapped her outside the Jamnagar airport.

On Tuesday, as janhvi kapoor came for Anant Ambani and radhika Merchant's pre-wedding celebrations, the paparazzi snapped her outside the airport. Videos of Janhvi entering the entry gates and interacting with the journalists were circulated. The actor can be seen in the clips sporting casual clothing and a killer less-is-more airport vibe. She accessorized her beige crop top and navy blue jogging trousers with simple jewelry and cosmetics. Browse through to get an in-depth analysis of her airport attire and to get some wardrobe-building inspiration.

Janhvi's beige sleeveless cropped top has a round neckline, ribbed detailing, a fitting cut that hugs her body, and a short hem length that exposes her stomach. She wore it with navy blue jogging trousers that had a flared hem, side and back pockets, an elastic waistband with ribbon ties, and a relaxed fit, all while embracing the neutral color scheme of beige and blue.

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