"Youths should watch these well-made, well-researched patriotic films while they watch entertainment-oriented films, as it will help them understand the kind of work that every soldier at the border does to keep the country safe." At the ceremony, chiranjeevi stated, "Director Sakthi (Pratap Singh) cooked this story with real inputs from indian Airforce Officers, which makes Operation valentine more authentic."

Megastar chiranjeevi was given a standing ovation by the crowd before to taking the stage to deliver a speech, as the government of india presented him with the Padma Vibhushan award. "Spending money won't give a film richness; a director's vision will give real richness," the speaker said during his lecture. chiru praised the film's director Sakthi, saying, "On a tight budget, she crafted this film, which should be taken as inspiration. Only then will the film industry flourish."

Regarding varun Tej: "They've always thought of becoming actors only; looking at me every day, we've all eaten, slept, and lived in the same place." Because I am delighted that my children are here and I have a great deal of respect for the telugu film business, I gave them the same encouragement. varun Tej is demonstrating his mettle, even if he claims that I am his inspiration. chiru explained that Tej followed a different route and performed a part in Operation valentine that no one in our family had ever taken.

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