A question raised as do you know where the world's cheapest gold is found? If the name of dubai is coming to your mind, then you are absolutely wrong. You will be surprised to know in which country the world's cheapest gold is found? Actually, the correct answer to this question is Bhutan... Yes, the world's cheapest gold is found in the Asian country bhutan, but do you know what are the reasons for getting the cheapest gold in Bhutan? Anyway, today we will tell you the reasons why gold is cheapest in Bhutan.
Perhaps although there are many reasons for gold being cheap in bhutan, but the biggest reason is - gold is tax-free in Bhutan. This is considered to be the biggest reason. Apart from this, less import duty is levied on gold in Bhutan. The price of bhutan and India's currency is almost the same. However, if you are thinking of buying gold from bhutan, then you have to take care of some conditions. In fact, to buy gold, tourists have to stay at least one night in a hotel certified by the bhutan government.
Apart from this, tourists have to bring US dollars to buy gold. Tourists have to pay Sustainable Development Fee (SDF). At the same time, indians have to pay Rs 1,200-1,800 per person per day. Also, tourists need to take a receipt to buy gold. Let us tell you that duty-free gold in bhutan can be purchased from duty-free shops. These shops generally sell luxury items and are owned by the Ministry of Finance.