As per report aligarh police has exposed a gang which has cheated people through fake notes worth lakhs of rupees so far. The accused used to show fake notes to people through video calls, in exchange for which they used to cheat people by taking real notes. It was mentioned that these are fake notes but will run freely in the market. This incident was being carried out by these accused for a long time, which also includes two Kashmiri youths. Along with this, two other people from a different district also used to carry out the crime after joining this entire gang, but the police was searching for these accused for a long time. police has caught this gang after getting the chance. police has recovered fake notes worth lakhs of rupees from the entire gang.
Along with this, the police also recovered illegal weapons and arrested all the four accused, after which all the four accused were sent to jail by the police and aligarh police is seen engaged in further action.
Where are the accused from?
1.Salim son of Sadiq resident of Ward No. 17 Mohalla Kira Kakrala police station Alhapur district Badaun
2.Mukhtar ahmed Wani son of Abdul Majeed Wani resident of Hirpura police station Hirpura district Shopian Jammu Kashmir
3.Basarat Hameed son of Abdul Hameed Wani resident of Kutpora police station Shopian district Shopian Jammu Kashmir
4. Hasnain son of Asgar ali resident of Ward No. 20 Kakrala police station Alhapur district Badaun
SP City Mrigang Shekhar while giving information said that when the accused were strictly questioned about the recovered pistol and fake notes, the accused told that these people open the bag full of fake notes from a distance on video call and assure that all these are real notes. Due to which the viewer is convinced that these notes will not be accepted in the bank but will be used openly in the market. police said that these people take Rs 15 lakh in real currency in exchange of fake notes of Rs 50 lakh, they have done this many times and have cheated people and use pistols and cartridges to turn adverse situations in their favour. These people used to scare those who opposed them with illegal weapons and run away and used to escape from there with real notes.