In the run-up to the next election, bjp mp candidate from amaravati, navneet kaur Rana, who previously starred in telugu films like Jagapati, Ranam, and Yamadonga, dealt a blow to bjp cadres. Navneet, who is running for parliament this time on the bjp ticket, has spoken with her cadres that the upcoming election won't see a Modi wave and that the grassroots leaders must put in a lot of effort on their own. She said that while there was a Modi wave in 2019, there isn't one in the current election.

The local bjp leaders are taken aback by this statement made by the heroine-turned-MP, who is a bjp candidate herself. Navneet had previously won from amaravati as an independent with the help of the NCP, but he later joined the BJP. With the country preparing for elections in less than a month, her most recent remarks regarding the Modi wave have garnered notice.
There is a general election buzz all over the country. Political parties are trying hard to gain an upper hand over their opponents. In the previous two general elections, narendra modi could not be faced as indians especially North indians wanted him to become the prime minister. Modi has written many strategies for two years to win this time also and get a hat-trick victory. But none of this is working? That means the answer is yes in many places.

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