October marks the commencement of Tere Ishk Mein's filming, which also stars another well-known actor in a pivotal part. Tere Ishk Mein, which is produced by Colour Yellow Productions, will be released the next year. While savoring the success of his 50th movie, Raayan, dhanush is now filming Kubera, a telugu movie helmed by sekhar Kammula. Nagarjuna, a tollywood actor, has a significant part in Kubera.
With the release of Raayan, his 50th film, Dhanush—one of India's most gifted actors—reached a noteworthy milestone. With its remarkable box office success and universal appreciation, the film is on track to become Dhanush's highest-grossing picture to date. The production company behind "Raayan," sun Pictures, just revealed the exciting news that the script for the movie has been chosen to be included in the esteemed Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences collection.