Here, we'll tell you about the 12-day traffic gridlock that was the longest in history. Imagine the situation of those who were trapped in that historical gridlock. A brief stoppage makes you restless. people were stranded in traffic gridlock for 12 days, which prevented any movement at all. The life ceased to exist.
This event happened on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway (China National Highway 110) in beijing, the capital of China, on august 14, 2010. They queued up for a hundred kilometers. Cars and passengers were stranded on the route for twelve days. This jam is the longest jam in the entire world's history. All that was seen as far as the eye could reach were cars.
People slept and ate there since the jam was so long. Trucks transporting coal and building supplies from mongolia to beijing for the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, which was still under construction, were the source of the traffic bottleneck. Because of the continuing maintenance on the freeway, traffic was rerouted to one-way. Beijing's exit was blocked by trucks transporting building supplies from mongolia, and it took the government 12 days to remove the obstruction.
The road was stopped for a lengthier period of time as a result of several automobiles being damaged. In a day, the stuck cars could only go around 1 km.
Noodles, cold beverages, snacks, and other food items were sold for four times the price of the temporary housing that was constructed along the freeway for the drivers and passengers. Water has to be purchased at ten times the set price.
The government halted traffic on this road in order to clear the congestion. First, the trucks that were caught in the congestion were released. To get the individuals who were trapped there out, the government labored day and night.
On august 26, 2010, the longest gridlock in history came to an end.