A degree in Architecture offers a unique combination of Design, Culture, Science and Technology. It offers the skills to design and create new buildings. Architecture has equal amount of both Arts and Science. Mostly it takes up to 5 years to complete a degree in Architecture. Now we bring you the top 10 architecture colleges.

Rank #1

Sir JJ College of Architecture, Mumbai

Rank #2

Department of Architecture, IIT Roorkee

Rank #3

Chandigarh college of Architecture

Rank #4

Department of Architecture, NIT, Trichy

Rank #5

Department of Architecture, NIT, Calicut

Rank #6

Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurgaon

Rank #7

Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, JMI, Delhi

Rank #8

Department of Architecture, BIT, Mesra

Rank #9

RV School of Architecture, RVCE, Bangalore

Rank #10

Faculty of Architecture, Manipal University

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