Yellapragada Subbarao - Does this name ring a bell? Well, most of us wouldn't even have heard such a name. He was an Indian biochemist who discovered the function of adenosine triphosphate as an energy source in the cell and developed methotrexate for the treatment of cancer. He spent most of his career in the United States of America. He is also one of the lead Medical researchers in the USA during World War II. So let's see about few of his discoveries

1. He discovered the role of phosphocreatine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as an energy source in the cell. This is the base of biochemistry and all further discoveries were based or influenced on this

2. He developed Methotrexate for Cancer treatment. He has saved millions of lives through this drug.

3. He invented Diethylcarbamazine. This is used for patients who suffer from filariasis or elephant foot.

4. He also discovered Aureomycin which is World's first tetracycline antibiotic. Aureo means Gold in Latin and it meant Golden era of antibiotics where millions of death can be prevented

Despite all his inventions and discoveries,

• Very few people knew him, that too people who work in this field. Rest of them doesn't even know his name

• His fellowship was denied in Harvard

• He never got a green card throughout his life

• Most of his colleagues took all the fame and glory for his patent and work

• He was awarded a lesser LMS certificate despite he remains the best as Dr.Bradfield was not happy with him as he wore Khadi surgical dresses due to Gandhiji.
He is one of India's best and it is a must to spread the word and everyone must know who he is. Not all Superheroes do wear capes. Dr.Subbarao is definitely one among them!

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