The most fundamental benchmark in your child’s scholastic development is learning to read. Reading is the skill that unlocks the doors to all other learning. So what can you do when it becomes manifest that your child is striving to become a good reader? Kids love stories and there are unlimited choices for topics. 

If you’ve “neglected” to read to your kids, begin now itself. In short, you’ll enjoy reading mutually as much as your children do. And the more time children spend in reading liveliness, the easier it is for them to become readers, too. In order to read, children must have the knowledge that words are made up of tinier bits called phonemes.

Phonemes are the sound lumps made by letters. Decoding is the method of seeing the letters and then "saying" the sounds aloud. Decoding is an intricate skill that requires knowing all of the alphabet sounds plus the sequences they make, plus understanding reading rules such as a silent "e" at the end of "bike. "A strong, developing vocabulary is one of the best signs of success in learning. Once decoding skills are acquired, we expect children to be able to read aloud fluently. 

 It is moderately common for children to read as if they understand, but upon further questioning, it becomes obvious that they really haven’t made sense of the words. Early diagnosis and deliberate interventions can make all the difference for a struggling reader.

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