Bihar's new governor arif mohammad khan reached patna on monday (30 December), where he was welcomed by the ministers of bihar government at patna airport. Many ministers of bihar government also gave him a guard of honor. He was welcomed by Deputy chief minister Samrat Chaudhary and the most senior minister Vijay Chaudhary from chief minister Nitish Kumar.
arif mohammad khan reached Bihar
arif mohammad khan has been appointed as the new governor of bihar by the Central Government. He will be administered the oath of office and secrecy on january 2. The Chief Justice of patna High court will administer the oath to him on january 2.
Speaking to the media after reaching patna, he said that he knows the history of bihar and it has a deep impact on his life. He said that I am well aware of the glorious history of bihar, indian culture and Bihar's contribution to indian history. Understanding the importance of this responsibility, I will make every effort to discharge my duties in accordance with the glorious traditions and historical heritage here.
Entered politics from student life
Let us tell you that earlier Md. arif mohammad khan was the governor of Kerala. On 24 December, the central government changed the governors of many states including Bihar. arif mohammad khan, who was handling the responsibility of the governor of Kerala, was made the new governor of bihar, while bihar governor Rajendra Arlekar was appointed the governor of Kerala. arif mohammad khan, born in Barwala village of bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh, entered politics from student life itself. He started his political innings when he went to aligarh Muslim university from bulandshahr to study. He first became the General Secretary of AMU and then led the aligarh Muslim university Students Union as the President.