The actor ali fazal, who played Guddu Pandit in the film Mirzapur, has revealed that this month's amazon Prime Video bonus episode of Mirzapur Season 3 would be available. Fans are excited about this revelation since there are signs that Divyendu Sharma's character munna Bhaiya may return in this episode.
 Viewers' reactions to Mirzapur Season 3, which debuted on July 5, were not entirely positive. Many fans were quite disappointed to see munna Bhaiya, whose character was killed off at the end of Season 2, absent. There was a lot of criticism directed at the third season since it did not live up to the excitement of the previous two. In his statement, ali fazal made a suggestion that munna Bhaiya would be returning in the form of a "famous boy who was killed by him."

The comments on Prime Video's instagram post show how excited the fan base is, with many excitedly debating munna Bhaiya's possible comeback. The fan base of Mirzapur is really excited about the next bonus episode. It would be interesting to see if this new addition is able to make the dissatisfied fans happy again and get them excited about the series again.

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