After samantha Ruth Prabhu and raj often collaborated on online series, rumors about their romance began to circulate. The acclaimed telugu actress made her OTT debut in the spy thriller the family man 2, directed by Manoj Bajpayee. samantha Ruth Prabhu rejoined Raj & DK for the new series Citadel: Honey bunny, which co-stars varun Dhawan, following the critical acclaim of the family man 2. She will be the star of Aditya Roy Kapur's next program, Rakt Bramhand, according to sources. Rahi Anil Barve is the director, while Raj & DK are the creators and producers.
Samantha mentioned doing action for Citadel: Honey bunny during a march event, saying, "I never would have imagined that I would do action." However, just being here at the event is already a huge win for me, as I wasn't sure I could pull it off at the last minute. I had no idea that I would be joining Citadel. I owe Raj, DK, Sita, and amazon a huge debt of gratitude for saving my life. It was basically physical prep for me. The fact that this is how things are and how they appear simply makes me so very pleased. It's unbelievable how this appears.