Are you suffering from joint pain this winter?
Joint pain can occur in any joint of our body. Joint is the place where the ends of two or more bones meet. Are you also among those people who get confined to their homes as soon as the winter season arrives? For whom walking becomes a challenge? Is your joint pain making you helpless?
Doctors say that this is common in winter season. Due to cold, the tissues and bones of the body get swollen. This causes difficulty in moving the joints and the pain increases.
Joint pain is usually felt in our hands, feet, hips, knees or spine. This joint pain can be continuous or can come and go. In this special story, understand from orthopedic and nutritionist doctor the reason for joint pain in winter and the way to stay fit and healthy.
Does joint pain really increase in winter?
Dr yash Gulati, orthopedic surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, said, 'It is true that joint pain increases in winter and there are many scientific reasons behind it. When the body feels cold, it shrinks the blood vessels of the hands and feet to save heat. This reduces blood flow to the joints, causing pain and stiffness. There is a special kind of fluid in our joints called synovial fluid. It helps in moving the joints easily, like oil in a machine. This fluid thickens in cold, causing stiffness in the joints.'
There are changes in air pressure in winter, this can cause swelling in the tissues around the joints and increase pain. Apart from this, we often move less in the cold, due to which the muscles become weak and stiffness in the joints increases. Apart from this, research has also shown that the sensitivity of nerves increases in cold. Due to this, pain is felt more.