The telugu actor attended school in Chennai, where he was born and raised. He graduated from Loyola college with honours in commerce. He began appearing in films as a young artist while he was a college student. Prior to starring in rajakumarudu as the lead in 1999, he had experience in nine other motion pictures. mahesh babu is a devoted husband and father in addition to being a well-known South indian celebrity. In 2005, he wed the actress namrata Sirodkar, and the two of them had a son named gautham and a daughter named Sitara.

Net Worth
Mahesh Babu, who is among the highest-paid performers in the South indian cinema business, is reported to be worth close to Rs 350 crore. Films and brand sponsorships are his main sources of revenue. The actor adds a substantial amount to his total revenue by charging a high price for a single picture. His whole monthly salary is estimated to be approximately Rs 2 crore.

Mahesh Babu resides in a sumptuous bungalow in Hyderabad's Jubilee Hills. The estimated value of the property is Rs 28 crore. In addition to the home, the actor has an amazing collection of vehicles, which includes audi, Mercedes, and Range Rover. The actor has a number of high-end vehicles, including an audi e-Tron, a mercedes-benz S-Class, and a bmw X6. To expand his collection, he also purchased a Lexus LX570. But that's not all. The telugu movie star drives a luxurious vanity van and has a private jet.

Now let's discuss Mahesh Babu's commercial endeavours. The actor earlier collaborated with Asian Cinemas on AMD Cinemas, a posh multiplex theatre in Hyderabad. In addition, he is the owner of the restaurant AN Restaurant.

Upcoming Movies
With his next film, mahesh babu will work with rrr director SS Rajamouli. The movie, which is currently being called SSMB 29, has generated a lot of excitement among viewers ever since it was revealed. The plot is anticipated to highlight themes of adventure and bravery against the backdrop of African forests, and it is said to have aspects inspired by the figure of Lord Hanuman. The plot's specifics, nevertheless, have not yet been verified.

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