Following the success of puri Jagannadh's 2019 blockbuster "iSmart Shankar," fans were excitedly anticipating Double iSmart. But opinions on the Double iSmart trailer, which stars Kavya Thapar, Sanjay Dutt, and ram pothineni, were divided. Ram's enthusiasm, his tapori telangana accent, Kavya Thapar's glitz, and Mani Sharma's melodies all won over the crowd.
But what really didn't impress were Sanjay Dutt's getup, Ali's awful humour, the brain transfer notion, and a few ridiculous lines like "Teri bhabhi hai Qutub Minar aur apun hai Charminar.. Dono mil jaye toh dil mai baji guitar." august 15 is the movie's release date. Double iSmart and Harish Shankar's Mr. Bachchan, starring ravi Teja, are in direct competition. The movie is a version of the popular bollywood flick Raid.
Reactions to Mr. Bachchan's trailer, which was released yesterday, were likewise conflicting. Though the action sequences, villainy of Jagapathi Babu, sex appeal of Bhagyashri Borse, and ravi Teja's return to entertaining commercial films all appeared impressive, questions have been raised about the commercialisation of a serious film like raid and its humorous components. Since each trailer has advantages and disadvantages, it's hard to choose a winner. In the end, what counts is how well the films do on august 15, when they open.


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